Article: How Heavy are Floating Wind Mooring Chain Links?

27.10.2023 (orginally posted to LinkedIn on 16.10.2023)

Here's a hypothetical scenario: The world's strongest man, Tom Stoltman, has to lift a single link of a floating wind mooring chain. Are you betting on Tom or the chain link? Read the article here.

Installing pyFAST python-toolbox for Spyder


Quick instructions on how to install the "pyFAST" python-toolbox (from OpenFAST) for Spyder. Instructions here.

The Wonderful World of Floating Offshore Wind

18.04.2022 (orginally posted to LinkedIn on 28.03.2022)

Floating Offshore Wind (FOW) is still very much in its infancy. As such, we are at an interesting time where many different and sometimes wacky concepts are being floated (pun intended). These will undoubtedly reduce in number as the industry matures but each design hopefully serves to better inform the next. In this article I will go through some of the less main-stream designs and concepts.

What if a Wind Turbine Really was a Windmill?

18.04.2022 (orginally posted to LinkedIn on 16.11.2021)

The biggest question in wind energy: If a wind turbine really was a windmill, how much flour would it produce? Calling wind turbines "windmills" is a pet peeve of mine. All things considered it is a quite harmless mistake but it got me thinking about the above question. How much flour would a modern WT produce? How many WTs would it take to feed the UK? Have a Read of this pointless question here.

How Reinforcement Learning concepts can help us with our New Year goals


RL required the formalisation of lots of aspects of the learning experience humans take for granted. In this short article, I discuss one such aspect, the "Credit Assignment Problem" and how it can provide a useful lens for reviewing our own goals. Read it here.

Fine Wind Turbines, Clear Morning


Another woodblock print mashup. This time it was Fine Wind, Clear Morning, another work by Hokusai. See it here.

LinkedIn Article: The "Greatest Olympian" Fallacy: Why Metrics Matter


An article on why it's unfair to compare Olmpians from different sports by their medals won. This was originally posted to LinkedIn. Have a read on this website.

LinkedIn Article: Why Modelling Wind Turbines is Hard


An article on 6 less obvious reasons why modelling wind turbines is hard. This was originally posted to LinkedIn. Have a read on this website.

Visualising Modern Wind Turbines


I created a video using the IEA 15MW reference turbine and Google Earth Pro "drone" shots to try and put into perspective just how large modern wind turbines are. See it here.

Yet Another Blogger


I think I'll take a stab at blogging. New page for them here.

In the first blog post, I give some highlights from a virtual AI showcase I attended.

Great Wake of Kanagawa


Something completely different to usual. I mashed up The Great Wave of Kanagawa with a wind turbine. See it here.

QI Analysis Using Artificial Neural Network


In this post, I explore who the funniest regular guests on the TV show QI are. This is via a novel method, using an Artificial Neural Network. This post is heavily science-communicative and hopes to inform the reader about how ANNs operate, as well as answer an entertaining question. See it here.

Web Application Automation


Using Python, an online tool was automated to be run with different input data. Utilizes Selenium to auomate multiple runs of a simple solar-power estimator tool. See it here.

Running Times Analysis


Using Python, running times for Mens 5,000 m (5k) and 10,000 m (10k) were compared. The plot aims to show the trend in results for these 2 events and, when the user's own times are plotted, provide an insight into whether their times' are broadly on track. Plotted using Bokeh for interactability. See it here.

Door Interruptions Tracker


Using Python, a data-logger and data analyser were created to track interruptions caused by having to answer the office door and intercom (utilizes Run window and bat files). It's neat.

Mutual Destination Mapper, Part 2


Update on the script from the last post, Mutual Destination Mapper. Updated to show the source airports on the map and in the hover boxes. Additional behind-the-scenes updates. See it here.

Mutual Destination Mapper


Using Python, the potential destinations available to 2 travelers leaving from 2 lists of airports are plotted on Google maps. The destinations are coloured to show if the destination is mutual, only for traveller 1, or only for traveller 2. See it here.

Fretboard Heatmap


Using Python, the notes played on a guitar for a given track are plotted as a heatmap of the fretboard. You won't believe how it turned out.

Language Splicer


Using Python, the translation of a chosen language for every sentence of a given page is inserted after the English. See it here.