Blog posts aranged newest to oldest.

#019 2023-07-25 | Went walkabouts with my partner. Some notes on how ridiculously overpacked we were, and what we'd change next time.

#018 2023-06-12 | I went an entire day only speaking Spanish with my Spanish partner. Click here for the record of translated words along with an exercise to illustrate how difficult this task is.

#017 2023-06-07 | I spoke at a conference for the first time. Some thoughts here.

#016 2023-03-08 | I've been accepted to speak at a conference. Details here.

#015 2022-10-21 | I am a mug merchant now. Have a look at the designs here.

#014 2022-07-21 | Uploading a visual of how big modern offshore wind turbines are. Whitelee onshore WT vs next gen offshore WT. Have a look.

#013 2022-04-27 | Made a funky polar plot of historic grid carbon intensity. Have a look, it's a very odd plot

#012 2022-04-25 | Cool (if I do say so myself) animated plot of a wind turbine wake posted to Twitter. Have a look.

#011 2022-04-15 | This website has changed from to .com! Very exciting.

#010 2022-04-12 | Attended a lecture on writing by Gary Younge. Some thoughts.

#009 2022-03-30 | Posted an article on LinkedIn regarding Floating Offshore Wind Designs. Reposed as slides and got some highly expected results.

#008 2021-12-14 | Some Christmas themed-Python tweets. Raspberry Pi mini tree + Isolation Forest tree

#007 2021-12-09 (3) | I did a talk for a ML group at the university. Some notes on it.

#006 2021-12-09 (2) | Like busses, papers also seem to come along in 2s. This time, I was the lead author!

#005 2021-12-09 (1) | A paper I helped co-author was published back in November. Read about it here.

#004 2021-10-06 | Ran the Loch Ness Marathon. Summary and some thoughts on what could have gone better.

#003 2021-08-03 | Fun tweet. LiDAR plot in the shape of Unknown Pleasures album cover.

#002 2021-06-09 | Some recent happenings. Annual Performance Review + some success with a LinkedIn article.

#001 2021-03-28 | I bought an old bike recently which needs a bit of work. Some thoughts on restoring versus renovating.

#000 2021-03-24 | I think I'll take a stab at blogging. First and only blog post is here, I'll have to create a separate tab for it in the future. [now done]. In this blog post, I give some highlights from a virtual AI showcase I attended.