Mutual Destination Mapper (1.0?)

Project - 06.05.19

FILE TO BE UPLOADED. Note, you will need your own Google Maps API key

Using Python, the potential destinations available to 2 travelers leaving from 2 lists of airports are plotted on Google maps. The destinations are coloured to show if the destination is mutual, only for traveller 1, or only for traveller 2

Finding mutual destinations for people travelling from different locations can be time consuming. The task is made more complex when each traveller can depart from multiple airports (for example, someone living in Glasgow would consider flying from Glasgow International, Edinburgh, and Prestwick). This script tabulates all the destinations available to each traveller and then plots them all. Mutual destinations are indicated in gold, and detinations available to only one traveller are indicated in either blue or red.

The "destinations" being plotted are the airports, the locations of which are there latitude and longitude. By plotting all destinations (and not just mutual destinations) places which the script does not pick up as "mutual", but are clearly good options for the travellers, are easily identifiable on the map.

The airports and route data used in the script are kindly supplied by As such, this is the limitation of the maps produced. Many routes are missing from the database or the routes shown may no longer be in operation. After all, airlines will drop or pick up destinations all the time and many people around the world make their living from keeping on top of this information. The maps produced can still be taken as a good starting point for planning a trip.

An example is shown below. This takes the first traveller's airports as Glasgow Int, Prestwick, and Edinburgh (BLUE). The second traveller's airports are Bristol and Cardiff (RED). Mutual airports are in (GOLD). Click on the image to explore the map (pan, zoom, and get information from each destination).

The Code

The Python script makes use of the following modules:

Improvements/Next Steps

This project has introduced a lot of new concepts to me. As such, there are some obvious improvements which were not undertaken in order to get a working script out as well as future directions the script could be taken in. These are: