Web Application Automation

Project - 02.02.20

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Using Python, an online tool was automated to be run with different input data.

This was accomplished with the Selenium module. The website tool that is being automated is PVGIS, a photovoltaic (PV) panel (solar power) energy yield estimator. This tool was developed by the European commission. When given simple inputs such as location, capacity, the panel azimuth, and tilt (and others), a rough estimate of energy yield of the panel is calculated.

PVGIS does not support running multiple simulations at once which one might want to do if they had multiple sites, or multiple orientations of panels etc. In this project, a single site has been run with different panel orientations (azimuth and tilt) to find the optimum. PVGIS does already have an orientation optimizer, but we will ignore this as this project is about automation, not what is being automated.

The video below shows the automation process in action:

Video showing the PVGIS automation process.

The Code: Overview of Process.

Results of the optimization for a 1 kW system. The result corresponds to the PVGIS omptimisation result.


The above example is, of course, redundant because of PVGIS's azimuth/tilt optimisation tool. However, it is a good demonstration of a the method which could be applied elsewhere.